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Acaeus Vertis (played by Michonne) | |
Fellow telepath, though he can speak where she can't. She found she enjoyed being around another that could. She could see them both having fun at the expense of her owner, and others that wouldn't be able to hear them. |
Tainlong (played by Agdragoon) | |
Dragon lady that gave me food. |
An'Nyese (played anonymously) | |
Met her in the main hall of the tether, saw her reading some medical books, and pointed her to a medic that I respect fully. Hope she can learn from her. |
Kanrik Lolthsson (played by BRJRusso) | |
Saw him in the main hall, his hair wasn't in a good position. So I helped him by putting it in a better style. This way he wouldn't gain such weird looks from others, as a slave in the cage had seemed to try and get across to him. |
La'Tisha (played by Scarith) | |
Kira doesn't really care for this one, though she's interesting enough. She taught her to kneel, but other then that. Hell cat didn't exactly know what to do about the basilisk. |
Vivian Alexander (played anonymously) | |
Not sure who this female is, though vaguely familiar I suppose. Perhaps saw in passing on one of her rentals? Who knew really. |
Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) | |
Met this jerboa in the main hall, he might be a stranger. But he kept teasing me, though I must admit I enjoyed it. I spent time getting to know him, and honestly the more I learn. The more fascinated I become, what is it about him? That makes me so damn curious? |